Nextdoor message of the week

Well that was certainly an unexpected “heads up.” Granted, this is, I guess (?), a more reasonable Nextdoor message than one searching for a sandwich, but you have to wonder—what’s Dennis’s agenda? Does he own a roofing company? A raccoon removal service? Or is he just naturally passionate about raccoons and/or being a good neighbor? Might the "Be vigilant" be as earnest as it is comical? Unlikely, but maybe I’m jaded. 

The thing is, I mean, yeah, this is def a heads up. A doozy of one. Preesh. But WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO IF I FIND A FEMALE RACCOON GIVING BIRTH IN MY WARM PLACE? This call for vigilance is profoundly lacking in strategy.

It’s also like—listen, fam. I’m a homeowner. With kids. I got a lot going on, and I need to be very selective about what I’m vigilant about. Like hell I’m doing a daily perimeter/roof check for pregnant raccoons. If you’re going to use Nextdoor for a raccoon-related “heads up,” it better be because an enormous raccoon walking upright is roaming the neighborhood and foaming at the mouth. Which I obviously hope never happens, but you get my point. 

My other point is that whenever I receive a message that begins "Just a 'heads up,'" and concludes with "warm place to give birth," I'm going to post it. In this way, I am vigilant. 


troy said…
Point of clarification: When you say ‘my warm place,’ a— ... you know what? Never mind.
mkenny59 said…
"My warm place" is open for ... interpretation and it can be whatever you want it to be. Except that.
Jane Ryder said…
Troy always has to ruin these heartfelt messages with crudity. Jeez, Troy. When I read about Mike's warm place, I assume he means his ... heart.

I lasted about two days on Nextdoor before I wanted to beat all my neighbors to death with a giant raccoon. The neighbor who informed the other neighbor who had said she was robbed that, in fact, she was "burgled" because robbery requires the use of a weapon, was the proverbial last straw.
mkenny59 said…
Ummm, "BURGLED?!?" How am I just finding out about burgled now? Also, it's funny how, for you, burgled was justifiably the last straw, whereas for me, burgled would have been the first straw for my remaining on Nextdoor for life.

And you're right about troy. Who would even go there with "warm place," such an innocent term? But, he gets me, so I deal.
Jane Ryder said…
Well, my neighborhood *IS* called Poet's Corner (for reals -- I live on Poe Street), though maybe it should be called "Pedantic Git Rhombus."