Leslie's Top Ten Tips for Extending Your Pool Season, This List

Hello everyone, and welcome to Leslie’s Top Ten Tips for Extending Your Pool Season . This is the result of me happening to click on just one of the 17 emails I receive daily from Leslie’s Pool Supply, and I’m glad I did because now I am 10 tips richer when it comes to extending my pool season! I WILL SWIM FOREVER. I would also like to share my newfound knowledge so that maybe you , too, can enjoy your pool all the way through December. 1. There are many options available for extending your swimming season. Tip number one is that there are many tips. Thank you. Cooler weather outside doesn't mean you have to shut down your swimming pool. With the help of Leslie's heating products, your swimming season can be extended by several weeks – or even months. Solar covers, gas heaters, heat pumps, and solar heaters all help to increase the amount of time you and your family can comfortably enjoy the pool. No matter which option works best for you, there's something available for ev...