Disqualified From Court

The Weird Animals Facebook page has finally chimed in on the latest controversy surrounding the two WNBA players who were disqualified from court:

It's unclear when this violation of the award (?) took place, since the WNBA season is either 54 days ahead or five months behind us, but enforcement of the self-explanatory "No Kneeling During Flag Salute"be it swiftly in advance or lagging a bit behindis nevertheless inevitable.

Woe to the two unnamed players who reportedly (by Weird Animals) kneeled during the traditional pre-game flag salute. It must have been hella embarrassing for them to try to step on the court afterwards only to be informed they had been disqualified from the very court on which they planned to play basketball, and also they are under arrest (seeking confirmation from Weird Animals).

This post has more than 1k reactions, 56 shares, and 157 comments from various clear-headed Boomers:

Roy Barnes is all about a person's rights, obviously, but even he has his limits. The Code of Respect is clear: flag, colors, and if there's time, rights.

There is some small percentage of people walking around right now with the sincere belief that the WNBA has adopted and enforced a rule (that is also an award) called "No Kneeling During Flag Salute," which they are convinced is true because it was posted on Facebook by an account ostensibly dedicated to lemurs making funny faces. 

All of this is normal and decidedly un-racist and, combined with the infinite number of similar posts, has nothing to do with your suspicions that nearly everyone over the age of 65 with an active FB account has lost their ever-loving mind.
