Spam email of the week

Really having a tough time determining if this means “Yo, your blog is SICK, dawg,” or “Your blog is terrible.” NEVERTHELESS, it needs a doctor. And who better than ( check notes ) … Willium Scott? Hey Team, I have a team? I mean yes, I have a team. Hope you are doing good ! I am doing OK. The rest of my team ( peaks into adjacent room where daughters are arguing over who is a better pretend gymnastics coach as dog barfs on the rug ) … not so much. Your website “” communicates in many different ways to the visitor. Rarely if ever have I heard the grand impact of my blog described so exquisitely and accurately. It DOES communicate in many ways to the visitor! One way is through the words I write on it. Also sometimes it calls people on the phone. One time it used body language to alert a police officer about a crime in progress. I see your competitors I have competitors? Who else is writing about thi...