Spam email of the week

Subject: Info

I enjoy info and also have info, so this is a go.

From: Alfred Smith []

That is your email handle if you live in Peru, which is a company.


I am in Mexico

Or Mexico. Peru and Mexico are like samsies.

and I am interested in the vibrant economy and impressive enterprises existing in your country.

Wow, Mexicans are interested in our vibrant economy and impressive enterprises? WELL C'MON OVER, MIS AMIGOS! I'm right next door in Arizona and what's the worst that could hap

[shots fired]

[ducks head]

[looks around]

Go on ...

The client I represent plans to migrate and settle there with his family as soon as he can secure a partner in a commercial enterprise.

Sounds legit.

Your client: Alfred! Please email Americans at random and secure me a partner in a commercial enterprise so we can move out of Mexico.

You: I'm not sure that's how business works in an economy as vibrant as Amer-

Your client: (turns on blender to make smoothie) CAN'T HEAR YOU ALFRED, JUST DO IT.

I think maybe your client is Mexican Batman though.

In view of the budgeted funds for this enterprise, the real estate, marine tourism and fish farming/agriculture will be ideal.

Housing or fish: Choose your path to American success.

If you may, please, get back to me through email with details and procedure for investing into these area and say your industry as well

(coughs while saying "blogging")

and may be other areas with potential for promising investment return.

Nope. Just fish and housing.

Thanks for your time.

You're welcome.
