Spam email of the week
Subject: Re: Cost of percutaneous Nephrolithtomy This is a rhetorical subject, as everyone knows the cost of percutaneous nephrolithomy is your very soul. Also: around $6,000. From: Okey Ukachukwu Not in my contacts for some reason. Dear Sir, Compliments of the season.I was diagnosed as having kidney stone that require surgery as the stone is quite big This is you, in April: "Merry Christmas. I have a giant stone to pass through my penis." 1cm " in the right kidney. I have attached a copy of the ivu report. (reviews IVU report) Yep, that's a kidney stone alright. But what the hell are those things? (points to ribcage with Twizzler I am eating) There's like a dozen of 'em. Pretty sure you might die. My doctor has advised I do percutaneousnephrolithtomy I see the kidney stones are already causing slurred speech. This is ... (long yawn) ... extremely urgent. and I will like to know the cost. Here are the top four ways to respond when yo...