Spam email of the week SPECIAL FRIDAY EDITION
Subject: Gold Ministry "Go forth and tell the world the good news about ... GOOOOOOOLD." - St. Peter maybe? Dear Friend, I am not your friend. J/k we are friends. I am thedirector from the gold ministry Wow, this email is really coming from the top. If this email were sent from like, an advertising executive at the gold ministry, I'd probably be like, "Pfft, whatevs." But the director ? This is big. I have a golden opportunity to share with you GOLD DIRECTOR HAS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY GOLD DIRECTOR HAS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY GOLD DIRECTOR HAS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY GOLD DIRECTOR HAS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY GOLD DIRECTOR HAS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY GOLD DIRECTOR HAS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY amember registered from the gold ministry from Australia has a lot ofinheritance here in Benin cotonou west Africa, Oh wow, what a coincidence! A member of the gold ministry (not a real thing) from Australia (irrelevant) has a lot of inheritance (cool phrase) in Benin Cotonou West ...