Classic card of the week

Wade Boggs, 1989 Score “1988 Highlight” series I always thought this Todd Worrell was my most “that’s what she said” card. And it still may be. But the back-of-the-card-tidbit title alone on this Wade Boggs beauty gives Worrell a run for its suggestive money. WADE WHACKS ‘EM Yes. That is one way of putting it. Elaborate, please. Wade, who has been called a hitting metronome, By whom? Who has called Wade Boggs a “hitting metronome?” If I ever heard anyone describe Wade Boggs as a hitting metronome, my first immediate thought would be, “‘Metronome?’" Not because I don’t know what the word means, or what that statement implies, but because a) why? and b) I’m not certain anybody ever said that, and so I think you, Score, are lying. Wikipedia defines a metronome as “ any device that produces regular, metrical ticks (beats, clicks) — settable in beats per minute. ” They add, “Boggsian. Like Wade Boggs, the baseball player, in the way it produces metrical ticks.” did something with his ...