Classic card of the week

Alvin Dark, 1993 Ted Williams Card Company Collection This week we return to the well that is “The Ted Williams Card Company” collection, in which Ted Williams himself –- or, more likely, someone other than Ted Williams –- selects a handful of old-timey baseball players and creates new baseball cards for them so that we, the baseball-card-buying public, can fantasize about what it would be like to have an actual card of one of these guys from their playing days, instead of something that is worth four cents. Today we feature Alvin Dark. Back of the card, holla atcha boy: While most managers come from the ranks of major-league players, not many have careers as successful as Alvin Dark’s. I have major problems with this sentence. This card is from 1993. I’m certain that many of the young baseball fans who came across this card had no idea who Alvin Dark was, much less that he was also a manager who last managed a game in 1977. This sentence assumes that it is common knowledge that Alvin...