Super Bowl XLI ‘quarterbacks’ quorner:’ Grossmanning

We’ve already fake interviewed the head coaches involved, so this week – Super Bowl week! – we’re going to instead pretend to sit down with the second most important person on each team – the left tackle. Wait, I’m sorry…the quarterback! And this time, we’re sitting down with both QBs at the same time. Ladies and gentlemen, the stars of Super Bowl XLI: Sexy Rexy and Peyton What’s His Face. Me : Okay. Which one of you guys is the white guy? Rex Grossman : We’re both white. Me : No, no. I mean, the really white guy. Peyton Manning : We’re both pretty white. Me : Who’s the Kenny Chesney fan with the fairly large forehead who always does things by the book? Manning : I like Kenny Chesney, but I don’t think my foreh… Me : Alright, got it. I just didn’t want to get the two of you confused. I’ve never done two interviews at the same time, and it’s weird when you guys don’t have your uniforms on. Grossman : I’m wearing a Bears hat. Me : The two of you have taken virtually parallel paths to get...